GOOD DAY SIS - I'd just like to say hello and go about my business. I know you've been disrespected a number of times by the very brothers you love and cherish. You've lived your life by the standards that have been shoved down your throats telling you how you need to live and act to please men only to be stepped on again and again. I'm sorry sis. I stood by and didn't correct my brother when he treating you like shit. I understand if you don't have much love for me because you shouldn't. Even in the face of all that, you still stand up for my brothers and me when the world is trying to make us take eat that sour dish. We've told you that you are responsible for correcting our shortcomings, keeping your body tight, holding us up when we won't hold ourselves, basically being all of our mothers while we do "man" things. Sis, you're beautiful; we failed to stand for you like you have always stood for us.
MUCH LOVE YOUNG ONE - I see what you're doing there. The things you kids are into are a far cry from what was hot when I was your age, but it's what makes your story unique. Clear your own patch; don't let us old heads stunt your growth. Apply your creative spirit to whatever dreams you have. We're here if you stumble or seek expertise to redirect your course. Often we'll go off on a tangent about the past and how great things were. If you have to stop us to get back to business, do what you've got to. The past has come and gone; take from it what you need to cultivate this great future on the foundations that have been laid. Remember that time goes on. You will be the teacher before you know it; your days as a student will benefit you well so take notes.
GREETINGS MENTOR - For better or for worse, you passed on the torch. You carried our family through the pain and suffering. You shielded us from the danger with the might you had left. You planted seeds that continue to be reaped. We haven't always agreed on the approach to navigating this journey. We hurt you; you hurt us. We rarely sought to heal. One truth though is that your time on the front line eased the pain we are facing now that we have shuffled to replace you. Our methods differ, but the struggle is the same. We have weapons you never could fabricate in your wildest imaginations; the new and the old working together brings fear to the opposition so much that discord continuously infiltrates our ranks because we welcome support from brothers and sisters and alliances. They pivot when their agenda is not adopted by the masses. Defectors have always deterred our message from reaching more by vilifying our struggle, or movement. You warned us. Your infiltrator peers are taking credit for your work and feeding us bad intel. We learned to question all mentors have taught us for our survival.